Personalised Nutrition Consultation Services in the UK

At The Rx Nutrition, we offer personalised nutrition consultation services to clients across the UK. Our expert dietitians and nutritionists are dedicated to helping you reach your health and wellness goals through tailored dietary guidance. Schedule your online consultation today and embark on a journey towards optimal wellbeing.

1:1 Consultations

Whether your goal is to improve your gut symptoms, enhance your sporting performance, discuss healthy eating and weight management or to ensure you are getting adequate nutrition, Sam can work with you to assess your diet and lifestyle and help you achieve your goals.

Please see below areas which you can gain support. This is not an exhaustive list, so please get in contact if there is anything else you need help with. 

  • Sports performance
  • IBS (including the low FODMAP diet) and digestive issues 
  • IBD including Crohn’s and Colitis 
  • Coeliac disease 
  • Stomas
  • Heart health 
  • Weight loss 
  • Weight gain

Prices and Packages 

Discovery Call (15minutes)


This is not mandatory, however this is highly recommended to help determine what nutritional support you require and discuss how The Rx Nutrition can support you.  

Initial Consultation (60mins)


The initial consultation is an essential meeting where the dietitian gathers vital information about the client’s clinical background, social aspects, lifestyle, and dietary habits. It involves a detailed assessment of the client main concerns, expectations, and specific goals. By working together with the client, specific, achievable objectives are agreed to ensure that the client is on the correct path to reaching their goals. This is done in a support environment so that the client goes away knowing they can achieve what they set out to. 

Review Consultations (30mins)


The follow-up consultations are essential reviews where the client and dietitian discuss progress and challenges since implementing the individual nutrition plan. This gives opportunity for the client to work through any concerns, make adjustments and also reflect on their success ensuring continued support to making the necessary steps to a healthier sustainable lifestyle.



Includes 1x initial assessment and 2x reviews. 

Timeframe will be decided upon following the initial assessment and is the most appropriate to help meet your needs the best.

13% Off (Save £30)

Must be prepaid to avail of package deal.

What people say about The Rx Nutrition

“THANK YOU for the hint and tips, that’s a massive PB for me. No GI issues – by far the best it’s been”

Sara, Triathlete

“Thank you for your guidance, it’s been really helpful to get my head around fuelling”

Clare, Triathlete

“I found Sam very personable, she immediately made me feel at ease. Sam took everything I said on board and used this to create an individual advice. Her knowledge is second to none and I am looking forward to working with Sam in future sessions. Highly recommended ”

Emma, Triathlete

“I set a new course PB on the bike by a few minutes. Really pleased with that as I’ve done the course plenty of times including when I was a cyclist ….then I set a new all time HM PB (not just off the bike) and over 12minutes faster than last year. Couldn’t be happier really!”

Cary, IM Triathlete

Sports / Performance Nutrition

Fuel to Perform

“Good nutrition won’t make an average athlete elite, but poor nutrition will make an elite athlete average”

Sports Nutrition Plans 

The Rx Nutrition is able to optimise nutrition for training and competition so clients can reap the benefits when its comes to performance.  

From recreational to elite, each athlete gets the same attention to detail whatever their goal may be.

The Rx Nutrition can provide an individualised plan for endurance athletes, including support with training the gut, to ensure the athlete is at their best come race day. 

Price to be determined on enquiry. 

What do I get out of working with The Rx Nutrition?

  • More energy!
  • Increased sports performance and recovery 
  • Better understanding of nutrition
  • Better understanding of what works for your individualised needs and requirements
  • Better understanding of nutritional timing
  • No confusing diets 
  • Food freedom because you understand your hunger and satiety cues and how to eat according to your needs and lifestyle
  • Full understanding if supplements are required for you and your individual needs
  • Reach your goals 

“THANK YOU for the hint and tips, that’s a massive PB for me. No GI issues – by far the best it’s been”

Sara, Triathlete

“Thank you for your guidance, it’s been really helpful to get my head around fuelling”

Clare, Triathlete

“I found Sam very personable, she immediately made me feel at ease. Sam took everything I said on board and used this to create an individual advice. Her knowledge is second to none and I am looking forward to working with Sam in future sessions. Highly recommended ”

Emma, Triathlete

“I set a new course PB on the bike by a few minutes. Really pleased with that as I’ve done the course plenty of times including when I was a cyclist ….then I set a new all time HM PB (not just off the bike) and over 12minutes faster than last year. Couldn’t be happier really!”

Cary, IM Triathlete

Weight Loss/ Management

Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, embarking on a weight loss journey can be difficult. With conflicting and confusing messages that you may find online, figuring out how to lose weight can feel overwhelming. 

The Rx Nutrition will take time to understand your history with food and your weight, what has and hasn’t worked for you in the past and what your goals are. We will explore the lifestyle barriers that can get in the way of us making healthier choices, including sleep, stress and physical activity. 

Together with The Rx Nutrition, you will come to an agreement on a treatment plan that will work for you, with new goals being set each session to help make the lifestyle and dietary changes achievable and sustainable. In each follow up session, you will have the opportunity to discuss what has worked and what hasn’t so your plan can be adapted.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The Rx Nutrition offers expert IBS nutrition services to support clients to manage their IBS symptoms. We understand the difficulties that come with having a diagnosis of IBS and are here to support clients so they can lead healthier and happier lives.

We offer medical nutrition therapy for managing IBS symptoms by identifying your common trigger foods. We are also qualified to do the Low FODMAP diet for IBS. 

What is IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic and debilitating functional gut disorder characterised by abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and changes in bowel habit such as diarrhoea, constipation or alternating between the two. IBS is a chronic condition, meaning it persists over time, but its severity can vary widely from person to person. The cause of IBS is unknown, but it is linked to alterations in the gut bacteria, diet, stress, anxiety and alterations in the speed at which food moves through the gut. The functional nature of IBS therefore means there are currently no medications or surgical options to treat it. At The Rx Nutrition, we are very experienced at guiding patients through how to manage IBS through a combination of both dietary and holistic evidence-based approaches.

Nutritional Management of IBS

There are two stages to the nutritional management of IBS: first-line treatments and second-line treatments that need support from a dietitian. Second-line treatments for IBS include the Low FODMAP diet, which is effective for around 85% of patients. The Low FODMAP diet needs to be implemented with support from a dietitian who is trained to do so. It can feel stressful and challenging to do it alone.

The Low FODMAP Diet

The Low FODMAP diet involves 3 stages: elimination, reintroduction and personalisation. At your initial consultation, we will take time to thoroughly understand your medical history and will assess your diet and symptoms. If tests or treatments are needed, we will liaise with your consultant or GP. 

Working with an IBS specialist dietitian can provide valuable guidance and support for managing your IBS symptoms when doing the low FODMAP diet. Here’s how they can help:

– Low FODMAP Diet Guidance: The dietitian will guide you through the Low FODMAP diet, helping you identify which high-FODMAP foods to avoid and which low-FODMAP alternatives are suitable for you. They will also help you navigate the elimination and reintroduction phases of the diet to pinpoint your trigger foods.

– Nutrient Adequacy: It’s important to ensure that your diet remains balanced and nutrient-rich despite the restrictions. An IBS specialist dietitian can help ensure that you have alternatives to choose so that you continue to meet your nutritional needs.

– Individualised Strategies: IBS is highly individual, and what triggers symptoms for one person might not affect another in the same way. A dietitian can help you identify your personal triggers and develop strategies to manage them.

– Addressing Emotional Factors: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate IBS symptoms due to the Gut-Brain axis. A dietitian can provide strategies for managing stress and promoting emotional well-being, which can contribute to symptom relief.

– Ongoing Support: Managing IBS is a journey, and it’s not uncommon to face challenges along the way. An IBS specialist dietitian can provide ongoing support, answer your questions, and adjust your plan as needed.

Gastro-intestinal Conditions 

The Rx Nutrition provides medical nutrition therapy for gastro-intestinal conditions including: Coeliac Disease, Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticular Disease and bowel surgery including Ileostomies and Colostomies. 

Coeliac Disease 

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition that leads to damage of the small intestine when minimal amounts of gluten are consumed. Gluten is a protein composite found in grains such as barley, wheat and rye. This condition affects 1 in 100 people in the UK. 

The damage to the small intestine can cause a very large range of symptoms both inside and outside the gut. This gut damage can also lead to further complications if the gluten free diet is not followed correctly. Here at The Rx Nutrition, we can support our clients with gluten-free living whilst continuing to ensure nutritional adequacy of the diet. 

According to national UK health guidelines, coeliac disease patients should also have an annual blood tests (mainly to check for gut absorption) and an appointment with a health professional as well as check-ups for their bone health. Therefore, the GP will be contacted following input at The Rx Nutrition to ensure these are being monitored. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s Disease is a condition of the digestive system and is a lifelong condition. The main symptoms are stomach ache, diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss or blood in the faeces. These may be constant or temporarily go away and come back, these are called flare-ups. The exact cause of Crohn’s Disease is unknown, but some factors may play a role including genetics, abnormal balance of the gut bacteria, problems with the immune system. People suffering the more severe symptoms will often need strong medication or an operation to remove the affected part of the intestine. A dietitian understands the importance of eating a balanced diet to ensure optimum health and well-being. More importantly, they can use their expert knowledge to design a personalised diet for Crohn’s disease sufferers, tailored to each individual’s needs. 

Ulcerative Colitis 

Ulcerative Colitis is a long-term condition when the large intestine becomes inflamed, specifically the colon and the rectum. This inflammation can result in bleeding due to small ulcers. It is thought to be an autoimmune condition, where the immune system mistakes harmless bacteria for a threat in the colon and attacks healthy tissue causing inflammation.  The cause may be a combination of  genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms may include recurring diarrhoea, poo containing mucus or blood, tummy pain, and sometimes fatigue and loss of appetite.

People living with IBD are more likely to develop nutritional deficiencies that can cause symptoms such as fatigue and problems with your bones later in life.

Diet and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

When we think about the nutritional management of IBD, it is important to remember that every section of your gut plays a different role in the absorption of nutrients. That means that we need to understand which part of your bowel is affected, in order for us to find a way of eating that not only ensures you’re getting all the nutrients you need, but also helps to manage your experience of eating.

Diverticular Disease

Diverticular are bulge type pockets in the lining of the large intestine. Many people will have Diverticular but will never know as they do not always cause symptoms. Sometimes the Diverticular become inflamed due to an infection and this is called Diverticulitis. This can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, blood in the faeces and a temperature.  

Registered Dietitians are the only regulated health professionals trained to give medical nutrition therapy for diverticulitis. 


Stomas are formed when parts of your bowel are removed which can be due to many reasons. Some people have only part of their colon removed and this forms a Colostomy. For some they will have all of their colon removed and this forms a ileostomy. 

​Eating and Drinking With a Stoma

Many people who have a stoma face difficulties working out how their diet will affect their stoma output whilst also ensuring their diet is balanced and nutritionally optimised. Here at The Rx Nutrition, we are able to reduce the confusion and support clients so they can lead happy, healthy lives.

Heart Health

The Rx Nutrition offers nutrition therapy to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure clients can live long healthy lives. 


High cholesterol is when you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. It’s mainly caused by eating fatty food, not exercising enough, being overweight, smoking and drinking alcohol. It can also run in families. You can lower your cholesterol by eating healthily and getting more exercise. Some people also need to take medicine. High cholesterol does not cause symptoms. You can only find out if you have it from a blood test.

The Rx Nutrition can help lower cholesterol through providing medical nutrition therapy. This is done by assessing your current dietary patterns and replacing certain fats, increasing fibre and modifying lifestyle as a whole. 


High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.

As a general guide:

  • High blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher. 
  • Ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

Blood pressure readings between 120/80mmHg and 140/90mmHg could mean you’re at risk of developing high blood pressure if you do not take steps to keep your blood pressure under control.

Everyone’s blood pressure will be slightly different. What’s considered low or high for you may be normal for someone else.

The Rx Nutrition can help with medical nutrition therapy to lower blood pressure resulting in life long changes to your health

Book your Nutrition Consultation with The Rx Nutrition today!